Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cigar Afficionado Catches Up

I noticed that the cigar mag finally reviewed the Xikar Ultra Slim cutter/lighter Combo. Hey guy, thanks. I hope it wasn't too much trouble to finally get around to it. I have been carrying one of these for several months at least. I have been wowing people with it for the same amount of time. It is a nice cutter lighter combo.

I have spent a few bucks over the last few years collecting various lighters and cutter to fuel my cigar smoking habit. Probably more then I needed to or should have. I am a big fan of Xikar stuff and they make a lot of nice things. If I had to choose one, it would probably be their folding scissors. They really are a nice, compact cut. It takes a little practice cutting cigars with scissors but its really not that bad.

I have been burned by cigar accessories in the past (pardon the pun). As I have found out, having a Colibri lighter shit the bed before its a year old is not unusual. I have promised myself that I will not replace any of the Xikar stuff I have if it dies (and I have a lot). I will replace it with the cheap, disposable lighters and cutters that I see on the counter at JR Paramus. Pay 2 bucks, use it and toss it after a month. All in all, it is still cheaper then buying Xikar products. They just don't look nearly as good as the Xikar stuff.

/sarcasm/ Well, I know we need another cigar blog on the internet /sarcasm/. But, right now, this is what i feel like ranting about. If you think I am wrong, call bullshit.

smoke up.

PS hey Cigar Afficionado, if its ok with you, feel free to keep up with the times. Thanks Gents.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

I Call Bull Shit

Do you remember that card game that we all played as kids called bullshit? Let me refresh your memory. All of the cards were dealt out to the players. The first player had to put down as many 2s as he had. The second player had to put down as many 3s as he had. The next player did 4s and so on down the line. The object of the game was to be the first person to run out of cards. Now, the kicker was, if you didn't have any cards of the particular number when your turn came up, you had to bullshit. So, if your turn was 3s, and you had none, you might put down a few extra 9s and say, "2 nines". If the fellows around the table didn't believe you, they would call, "bull shit!". If you got caught, you picked up the whole pile. If you were telling the truth, the guy who called bull shit picked up the pile.

How does this relate to a blog. Well, I'm going to tell you. My name is Danny. I live and work in NYC. I have a decent education, but, after having worked in this city for many years I have truly become two things. First, I have become dumb as a door knob. Second, angry. Why am I angry? Becuase I cannot stand the bullshit anymore. It doesn't matter what it is or why it is, it just is. And this blog is going to be my outlet. Perhaps, if I can spread some of my good cheer a few things might happen. First, maybe I will become famous (not likely) and two, I might not be so angry all the damn time (keeping fingers crossed).

At any rate, you will learn about me over time if you read. I really don't care if anyone reads, I just need to write. Some things you may learn quickly are: I am not very articulate, I can write but not well (although I might have some moments of pure genious but they will be few and far between), I hate stupidity, I am vulgar, and, although I say I don't give a fuck, sometimes I do.

My topics will range depending on the flavor of the day. I am a very busy person so I may not blog everyday and somedays I may blog many times. Who knows, after a week, the novelty might wear off and I will stop this stupid shit.

See you soon.


Welcome to my world - I like to rant