Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cigar Afficionado Catches Up

I noticed that the cigar mag finally reviewed the Xikar Ultra Slim cutter/lighter Combo. Hey guy, thanks. I hope it wasn't too much trouble to finally get around to it. I have been carrying one of these for several months at least. I have been wowing people with it for the same amount of time. It is a nice cutter lighter combo.

I have spent a few bucks over the last few years collecting various lighters and cutter to fuel my cigar smoking habit. Probably more then I needed to or should have. I am a big fan of Xikar stuff and they make a lot of nice things. If I had to choose one, it would probably be their folding scissors. They really are a nice, compact cut. It takes a little practice cutting cigars with scissors but its really not that bad.

I have been burned by cigar accessories in the past (pardon the pun). As I have found out, having a Colibri lighter shit the bed before its a year old is not unusual. I have promised myself that I will not replace any of the Xikar stuff I have if it dies (and I have a lot). I will replace it with the cheap, disposable lighters and cutters that I see on the counter at JR Paramus. Pay 2 bucks, use it and toss it after a month. All in all, it is still cheaper then buying Xikar products. They just don't look nearly as good as the Xikar stuff.

/sarcasm/ Well, I know we need another cigar blog on the internet /sarcasm/. But, right now, this is what i feel like ranting about. If you think I am wrong, call bullshit.

smoke up.

PS hey Cigar Afficionado, if its ok with you, feel free to keep up with the times. Thanks Gents.

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